A crystal is a mineral that has been naturally formed into a geometric shape. There are many different types of crystals, which can be used for different purposes. Some people wear them to increase the energy in their body while others use them as jewellery or decoration.

If you're looking for a way to amplify your energy and radiate positivity, there's no better way than wearing crystals on your fingers. By putting your crystals on your ring fingers, you're sending a powerful message to the Universe that your energy is important and what you want. Another benefit is the connection you create with the crystals. Whenever you're wearing the crystals, they'll constantly be sending out positive vibrations and negative ions into your body - making it a lot easier to attract success in all areas of life!

There are many different types of crystals that can do this, but we'll be focusing on the ones that work best as rings: amethyst, black tourmaline and clear quartz. This blog post will break down the best crystals to wear as rings on your fingers and give insight into which one has the most powerful energy for you!

Best crystal for Thumbs

The thumb represents your will, so wearing crystals on this finger is a great way to send intentions and manifest what you want. It's also the part of your body that governs physical energy - making it an important place for absorbing positive vibrations from your crystals!

A powerful crystal you can wear on your thumb is Moonstone. This is a crystal that can change its colour depending on where it's located in the world, which makes for incredible energy. It also absorbs negative energies and transforms them into positive vibrations - making this one of the best crystals to wear as rings!

Best crystal for Index Fingers

Index fingers embodied the masculine energy of the body. Wearing a crystal on this finger will give you strength and courage to go through life's challenges, as well as improve your focus and concentration.

Many different crystals are best for index fingers, but the most popular ones are Blue Topaz, Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald, Peridot.

Blue Topaz is a great choice for anyone looking to increase their energy and strength. When you wear this crystal on your index finger, it'll help you become more confident and optimistic - especially when going through challenges or tough times in life.

Best crystal for Middle Fingers

The energy that comes from the middle fingers is feminine. Wearing a crystal on this finger will help you become more confident, outspoken and creative - making it the perfect choice for anyone with artistic or musical ambitions!

The best crystals to wear as rings on your middle fingers are Clear Quartz, Citrine, Moonstone and Amethyst. These crystals all focus their energy on increasing creativity, inspiration and communication skills.

Clear Quartz is the best choice to wear on your index finger if you're looking for a crystal that will amplify your energy. This stone works deeply with all of the chakras in the body - especially the crown chakra, which governs good intuition, self-knowledge and spirituality.

Best crystal for Ring Fingers

The finger ring represents our relationships and the energy we give off to others. Wearing a crystal on this finger can help you attract deeper connections with people, while also improving your social skills and charisma!

The best crystals for wearing as rings on your ring fingers are Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Rose Quartz. When you wear these crystals, they'll work deeply with your heart chakra - making it simple for you to love yourself and others.

Rose Quartz is the best crystal to wear on your ring finger if you're looking for a stone that will enhance your loving and empathic energy. This is especially helpful when it comes to attracting more love into your life, as well as improving connections with friends and family members!

Best Crystal To Wear On Your Pinky Finger

The pinky represents our creativity, intuition and imagination. Wearing a crystal on this finger is great if you're looking to improve your creativity - especially when it comes to understanding yourself better!

The best crystals for wearing as rings on your pinky fingers are Amethyst, Citrine, Moonstone, Garnet and Rose Quartz. These stones will all work deeply with the crown chakra - making it easy for you to connect with your intuition.

Amethyst is the best crystal to wear as rings on your pinky finger if you're looking for a stone that will protect and heal all of the chakras in your body. This powerful stone also enhances one's psychic power, which can be helpful when trying to gain further insights into the future!

If you want an easy way to boost your mood and energy levels every day, wearing crystals as rings is the best way to do it. There are many options to choose from for each finger and your different chakras, but these are our top picks.

You can find all of the crystals mentioned in this post by clicking here. This stone comes in different shapes and sizes you'll be sure to love!

Posted by RARA


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