Do you ever feel like it’s really hard to sit still, pay attention, or feel calm? Meditation with the help of crystals can make it easier. These methods are like super tools that help you feel less jumpy, concentrate better, and feel happier, even if you have ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Let’s find out how you can use these cool techniques to feel more relaxed and focused!

ADHD Symptoms That Can Be Alleviated Through Meditation


a child with ADHD


1. Inattention

Meditation encourages the practice of sustained focus and attention through mindfulness and concentration exercises. Over time, these practices can help improve the ability to concentrate on tasks without easily getting distracted.

Techniques like focused attention meditation, where one concentrates on a single object, sound, or breath, can gradually enhance the ability to maintain attention spans.

2. Impulsivity

Mindfulness meditation teaches the practitioner to observe their thoughts and impulses without immediately acting on them. This increased awareness of thoughts and body sensations helps develop better impulse control.

By learning to pause and observe the internal landscape before reacting, individuals with ADHD can reduce impulsive behaviours, which often lead to hasty decisions or social faux pas.

3. Hyperactivity

Meditation can induce physical relaxation, which is beneficial for those who experience hyperactivity. Progressive muscle relaxation or body scans techniques can calm the mind and reduce the need to constantly move.

Over time, consistent meditation practice can lead to a general decrease in restlessness and an improved capacity to engage in activities quietly and peacefully.

4. Emotional dysregulation

ADHD often comes with challenges in regulating emotions or mood disorder; individuals might experience quick shifts in mood or intense reactions to seemingly minor events. Meditation promotes emotional stability by enhancing self-awareness and fostering a non-judgemental attitude towards one's experiences.

5. Stress and anxiety

Many with ADHD feel overwhelmed due to difficulties in managing daily tasks and social interactions, leading to increased stress and anxiety.

Meditation, particularly mindfulness, helps reduce stress by promoting relaxation and present-moment awareness. This can decrease the overall level of anxiety and stress, making daily challenges more manageable.

6. Sleep disturbances

ADHD is often linked with sleep disturbances, including difficulty falling asleep or restless sleep. Meditation improves sleep quality by calming the mind and reducing the racing thoughts that often occur at bedtime.

Techniques like guided imagery or meditation before bed can help create a routine that prepares the mind for a restful night, thus improving the overall sleep pattern.

The Role of Crystals in Meditation


High Quality Amethyst Tumblestone - JustRARA


Crystals have long been used in various spiritual and healing practices, and their incorporation into meditation is rooted in the belief that they can enhance the meditative experience.

So these are the roles of crystals in meditation, particularly focusing on their perceived properties and how they might benefit meditation practices.

Energy amplification

Many practitioners believe that crystals act as amplifiers of energy. This means that they can enhance the intentions set during meditation, such as achieving peace, clarity, or focus.

For instance, clear quartz is often touted as a 'master healer' and known to amplify the energy of thoughts and intentions, potentially making it easier to achieve a deeper meditative state.

Enhanced focus

Crystals are often used as focal points during meditation to aid concentration. Just as one might focus on a mantra or the breath, looking at a crystal or holding one in hand can help steady the mind and maintain focus.

This can be particularly helpful in practices like mindfulness or focused attention meditation, where maintaining a single point of focus is essential. Amethyst, with its calming and mind-clearing properties, is a popular choice for this purpose.

Promotion of calmness

Some crystals are believed to have calming and soothing properties, which can be particularly useful in meditation for settling the mind and preparing the body for relaxation.

One of the best crystals for ADHD is the blue lace agate. It is associated with tranquillity and grace, making it a preferred choice for those looking to reduce anxiety disorders and foster peace during their practice.


Feeling grounded is an important aspect of meditation, especially for those who may feel scattered or spaced out. Crystals like black tourmaline and hematite are valued for their grounding properties, believed to help anchor the user in the present moment and connect them with the earth, thereby enhancing the grounding effect of meditation.

Cleansing and clearing

Some practitioners use crystals believed to have cleansing properties to help clear the mind and the environment of negative energy, which can be a barrier to effective meditation.

Selenite, for instance, is often used to cleanse both other crystals and the space in which meditation takes place, purportedly clearing away negativity and making room for positive energy.

Emotional support

Certain crystals are chosen for their supposed emotional healing properties, which can be beneficial during meditation focused on emotional work or healing. Rose quartz, known as the stone of love, is frequently used in meditations intended to foster self-love, forgiveness, and compassion.

Physical and spiritual alignment

Crystals are also used with the aim of aligning and balancing the chakras, which are seen as energy centres in the body. Each chakra is connected with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects, and certain crystals are believed to correspond to and help harmonise these chakras.

For example, lapis lazuli is often associated with the third eye chakra, which connects to intuition and clarity of thought.

Meditation Techniques Suitable for ADHD


adult with ADHD


Exploring various meditation techniques suitable for ADHD can be transformative, especially when combined with traditional ADHD treatment strategies. These techniques cater to the needs of those with an ADHD diagnosis, helping manage symptoms effectively. Here’s how each technique can be beneficial:

Mindfulness meditation

  • Focus on the present moment and increase awareness of sensations, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Helps in reducing impulsivity and improving attention span.
  • Regular practice is essential for cognitive control, especially useful in treating ADHD and managing mental disorders.

Guided meditation

  • It includes following guidance from an instructor or a recorded voice that leads you through various relaxation methods.
  • Helps maintain focus and reduces distractions for those with ADHD.
  • Visualisations and verbal instructions keep the mind anchored.

Breathing exercises (Pranayama)

  • Focus on controlled breathing patterns to calm the mind and body.
  • Improves concentration, reduces hyperactivity, and can be an effective part of ADHD treatment.
  • Methods such as 4-7-8 breathing or alternate nostril breathing can be highly effective.

Body scan meditation

  • Directs attention to different parts of the body, bringing awareness to physical sensations.
  • Encourages relaxation and helps with grounding in the present.
  • Useful for adults with ADHD to foster a deeper connection with their physical state and manage sensory sensitivities.

Walking meditation

  • Involves slow, deliberate walking while focusing on the sensation of each step.
  • Offers an active form of meditation that suits those who find sitting still difficult.
  • Helps improve focus while allowing movement.

Loving-kindness meditation (Metta)

  • Focuses on cultivating compassion and kindness towards oneself and others.
  • Improves emotional regulation, reduces frustration and negative self-talk—common challenges in adult ADHD.
  • Enhances self-compassion and reduces negative self-talk.

Short, frequent sessions

  • Shorter meditation sessions (5-10 minutes) are more effective for those with ADHD.
  • Allows for sustained focus without overwhelming the mind.
  • Frequency is more important than duration for ADHD management.

Fidget-friendly meditation tools

  • Use of objects like stress balls or textured surfaces to occupy hands while meditating.
  • Keeps hands busy, allowing the mind to focus more effectively.
  • This is particularly helpful for those with hyperactivity symptoms.

Mantra Meditation

  • Repetition of a word or phrase to keep the mind focused and calm.
  • Helps block distractions and wandering thoughts, improving sustained attention.
  • It can be done in short bursts for easier engagement.

Progressive muscle relaxation

  • Includes tightening and then relaxing different muscle groups to alleviate tension.
  • Encourages mindfulness of bodily sensations and provides a structured focus.
  • Effective in calming the mind by promoting physical relaxation.

These meditation techniques provide valuable support for those diagnosed with ADHD, helping mitigate symptoms such as mood swings and hyperactivity and improving overall mental health. Whether used alongside ADHD medication or as a standalone practice, meditation offers a therapeutic addition to traditional treatment methods.

Final thoughts

Using crystals in ADHD-friendly meditation techniques can provide a tactile focus, helping to manage distractions and calm the mind. Incorporating these natural elements can enhance your meditation practice and bring a sense of peace.

Looking for the right crystal to support your meditation? Visit our site to explore a variety of crystals specifically selected for their supportive properties in ADHD meditation practices. Find your crystal companion today.


Posted by RARA


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